Dr. Annie with her dog Heidi
Children’s books for growth and healing.
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Dr. Annie’s Bookshelf is a curated collection of picture books on mental health topics reviewed by a child psychologist with a love of children’s literature.

This website is for parents, caregivers, mental health providers, and anyone else who reads books with children.

Recently Added Books

My Wandering Dreaming Mind Mrs. Gorski, I Think I Have the Wiggle Fidgets Otto Learns About His Medicine My Whirling, Twirling Motor Taking Tourette Syndrome To School Tic Talk: Living with Tourette Syndrome A Tale of Two Seders A New Special Friend Aaron Slater, Illustrator A Walk in the Words Taking Dyslexia to School Negative Cat Brilliant Bea Ben & Emma’s Big Hit How I Learn Love Is What Makes Us a Family